RFP Revival Mod...

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RFP Revival Mod...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 10 Nov 2009 05:07

Just an Idea spawned out of my enthusiasm for firearms, and my anal-retentive nervous tweaks spawned by everything I see wrong in the Arsenal mods and others... Here's just a quick run-down of my ideas; could you guys give me some feedback and such, please?

RFP Revival: Real F***ing Physics... A mod designed to make the firearms in STALKER more like their real-world counterparts...
Idea log V 0.1: Just going through Ideas and why I am wanting to change these things... It will probably be built upon the ARSENAL mods...

*Dynamic reloads: When a cartridge is still in the chamber, and Marked One reloads, the action is never pulled as this would defeat the purpose of a dynamic reload! This is for those tight spots when you need haste rather than safety.

*Proper weapon handling: Marked One does a visual check of the chamber when un-holstering a gun, rather than fully pns the action as that is really retarded of the game developers... I mean come on! I don't want to eject a round whenever I pull out a gun. Marked One will no longer hold MGs by the carrying/barrel handle, as holding it that way would garantee inaccuracy. Marked One holds guns in better firing positions for different guns, IE, while holding a sniper rifle, Marked One will not hold the rifle by the magazine well, as this would change the recoil dynamic, and possibly risk loading errors. Bolt-Actions will be properly held and manipulated after firing.

*Standard Reloads: When reloading without a chambered round, IE, the magazine or clip is empty, Marked One will indeed pull the charging handle in order to chamber the first round.

*Weapon specific reloads: Weapons like the SIG Sauer 550 have a bolt catch/release, meaning that the bolt will stay open when the last round is fired, making it so the only thing needing to be done after a Standard reload is to push the bolt release, instead of manipulating the action.

*Sights will be of proper shape, size, type, and location on firearms. (416 was messed up and it bugged the living shit out of me :P)

*New sights: Scopes, holo-sights, red-dots, aimpoints, and acogs to name a mounts... All properly marked for type and weapon. To match real life, an AIM-point sight marked for 5.56x45mm NATO rounds may be mounted on a 7.62 cal weapon, but markings will not match caliber, IE, range marks, drop marks, and wind/lead marks. I'm looking to create a large variety of sights and mounts for different calibers and mounting systems. There will be more Post-Soviet Bloc sights/mounts than NATO sights to conform with game's setting. Get your binocs out and start looking for some mercs!

*Proper ammo capacities: Ammo capacities changed to fit real life standard mags for each weapon. No more Desert Eagles .50 AEs with 12 rounds! Sorry folks!

*Proper calibers: Some of the weapons in Arsenal fire the wrong cartridges, so I plan on fixing that. Also, the OTs-14 Groza fires 7.62x39mm, and can get barrels for 9x39 M43 (different from subsonic PAB).

*Proper weapon sounds: I'm sorry, but unsuppressed weapons (like the vanilla Big Ben) or the OTs-14 Groza firing the 9x39mm PAB rounds will NOT sound like their standard cal counterparts. The 9x39 PAB is a SUBSONIC round, meaning it does not break the sound barrier, and thus, makes no crack while firing. They'll still be kind of loud, but not AS loud. Suppressors slow the gases around a bullet, making the gunshot even more quiet. To date, the sten Mark IIS is considered to be one of the most quiet guns, and will (hopefully) be featured in this mod.

MORE GUNS!!1!: The millions of AKs in Arsenal will be maintained... but there will actually be difference in them. You will find everything from the TYPE 56, VZ58, SAKO M90, Valmet M76, Galil (though it will be very rare), Beryl, Vector R4 (even more rare than the Galil), Zastava M70, Zastava M76 (My favourite of Kalashnikovs), and Zastava M80. Furthermore, more "exotic" weapons will be featured in this mod, like the Croatian Agram 2000 Machine Pistol, Chinese Type 64 7.62x25mm P subsonic, British Sten SMG, Russian Bison-2, Russian SR-2, British Bren L4 gun (only while wearing exos!), Russian Degtyarev DT, Russian Degtyarev DPM, US M60 (Vietnam era, not these uber new ones, more for look than anything:) ), German HK21, Sawn-off Under-sling shotguns for OTs-14 Groza and western AR-15 based weapons, South African Neostead (SUPER RARE, like, getting it will be an easter-egg rare), Russian KS-23M and bullpup model shotguns, US M14 (Vietnam Era Automatic version), US Ruger Mini-14 5.56x45 NATO, Russian SKS, German Mauser Gewehr 98, SAKO TRG, US Kriss Super V, and possibly more... But these are on my "definites" list.

By the way, you don't really see any pistols on this list simply because I don't know much about pistols. Never owned one, probably will at some point, but I'd rather rely on the ol' mossburg 500 for home defense (but I can't because I am broke and pawned off all my guns... stupid-stupid-stupid me. Oh well, how the hell would I have gotten them to OK anyways, considering I caught a greyhoud down here)

*Proper distribution: with the exception of mercs, weapons will actually based on the setting of the game. Soviet era guns will be the most common (AK47, 74, RPGs, SKS, Mosin Nagant, etc), Eastern-post-bloc weapons will be relatively common, Western-post-bloc weapons will be uncommon, Nato weapons will be relatively rare, and weapons from random countries like Brazil, South Africa, China, etc. will be really rare.

*Proper ballistics: Finally getting around to this... Killzones of explosives will be bigger, so duck for cover so you don't catch any shrapnel in the face! I mean it! Weapon performance depends more on the cartridge than the gun (but the gun still plays its part). For example, an HK 416 will perform relatively the same as an M4, but an M16 would have better performance because the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge reaches optimum muzzle velocity with longer barrels (due to the gas pressure pushing the round) . Also, I REALLY want to figure out how to get proper bullet drop. I remember a sniper mod sometime back in the day floating around that had done it... Realistic material penetration, etc. This bit will be the focus of the mod.

*You need some ammo for them guns: More AMMO! Really, you think I would pull out some really random poo without bringing their strange obscure ammunition with them? I'm even thinking of creating a .338 Lapua! EDIT: Also, for the sake of realism, I want to remove tracers all together. For the most part, tracers are a military thing, and wouldn't really serve ANY purpose in STALKER other than giving away your position. Tracers will be removed on the assumption that STALKERs are smart enough to realize this, and simply don't buy (and distribute) tracer rounds. That means you will actually have to figure out where you're shooting with that VSS Vintorez, instead of firing a couple tracers past your victim's head and adjusting accordingly.

*Proper firing animations: MP5's and G3's charging handles do NOT reciprocate with the bolt.

Anyways, I have been rambling on with this too long. I do not have my computer fixed yet, but it will be by the end of the week (if I can get an OS that is), so this is all just ideas in my head. I know I have thrown the RFP name out a couple times before, but each time I have my computer has crashed... so I feel like this is my opportunity to get it done!

So ANY feedback is more than welcome, in fact, imagine that scene from the Johnny the Homicidal Maniac comics where Johnny has that one dude on the torture device and is holding a knife and lettuce to the dudes face saying "The lettuce, still good?!" So yeah, I am holding you guys at knife-point saying "the mod, is it good?!" STOP LAUGHING AT ME!

Also, as always, any help with this is always more than welcome.

The plan for this mod, like arsenal before it, is simply a vanilla weapon add-on that is encouraged to be merged with any other mods out there! I personally will want to merge this with Lost Alpha once this and that are finished. :P By the way, you guys rock Dez0wave!

Oh, yeah... I was in the middle of saying that I was done typing. Cheers!

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot something.

AIs tunage: Planning on tuning AIs so that you will see your standard level of vanilla omnipresent AI when firing unsuppressed weapons, because lets face it, when you hear a gunshot and a crack to your left, and someone drops, you will at least know the general direction of the shooter. BUT, I want to see if we can get some LURK kinda thing going with suppressed weapons, so they... you know... ACTUALLY HAVE A POINT TO EXISTENCE IN THE GAME! Also you can knoife some buggers! Oh, and tracers should give away your position as well.

Also, as far as gunshots go, whenever Marked One is shot AT, not his general direction, but when he has bullets passing within two feet of him (guesstimated), there will be a loud CRACK! This is to mimic the real-life effect of being shot at. I cannot say that I have ever heard this sound personally (thankfully) but I have talked with plenty of military friends who tell me all about it. This may or may not end up in the mod though, depending on what you guys say.
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 12 Nov 2009 23:52

Sorry for the double post... I guess there's a time limit for edits.

Anyways, another idear of mine is to have what I would like to call "Realistic Wear and Tear" for guns...
Instead of having traders "repair" your firearms, you would instead have a cleaning kit. BUT, if you let your durability go below a certain point (I'll probably make it different for each weapon, to reflect each weapons reliability) something like your barrel or bolt would be damaged. In real life, barrels end up needing to be replaced after long periods of sustained fire, as the heat build-up and drastic pressure changes end up warping the barrel and wearing the rifling. The bolts can damaged by a feed error or misfire (if its a cheap P.O.S., that is) and would probably need to be replaced. At this point you would have to take the weapon to the trader to replace the barrel or bolt or whatever.

One thing about this, though, is that I DO NOT want this to be expensive. A person can maintain a rifle for a ridiculously long time as long as they properly clean their rifle and give it cool times after shooting. All it takes is a couple dollars each month (for more cleaning agents and oil) and some time!

So, my message to you, STALKERs, is when this mod comes out, be sure to take a moment to clean that rifle of yours after each excursion...

Another idea I had, but cannot think of any way to actually do ingame, is to have actual components from the guns work like they do in real life. For example, a piston driven action, like that in a Sig Sauer 550, can push more pressure against the action, clearing any debris in the chamber, and ensuring proper firing of the cartridge. If anyone can think of a way to script and animate this, it would open up the path to making it so you can actually clear a jam (which would be different for each gun) the proper way, instead of just reloading and pretending that you cleared a jam. :) It could be hotkeyed, even, to "j" or something.

Anyways, my stuff will be in order soon, so I'll actually be able to get started on TAINT and RFP again. Hip-Hip-HOORAY!
I'm back in the modding world, suckers!
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby Nightwatch on 15 Nov 2009 20:04

Certainly there are a lot of very interesting ideas here. :mozilla_smile:
Another thing is sure that you know your weapons rather well.
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 15 Nov 2009 21:53

:thumbright: whatever he said
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 24 Nov 2009 17:13

Working on RFP right now.
My focus for today is explosives! :) I've always been irked by how I smack a bloodsucker in the face with a M209 grenade, or with an PG-7VM HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) grenade... and it don't friggin die. So what does this mean? Changes listed below:

RPG-7: Starting with your standard "rocket grenade," which is really a PG-7VM HEAT grenade, I am reducing fragments and fragment range, but adding flame damage and significantly increasing damage. On top of this, I am changing the explosive radius to roughly 8 meters. Remember: This specific grenade is designed to defeat cold-war era Western tanks by stiking the target, causing intitial kenetic trauma, then igniting, reaching high temperatures and and causing further kinetic trauma.

New Ammo for RPG-7: Looking to add OG-7V Anti-Personell Grenade... New model, and new damage dynamics. These rounds are designed to impact a hard surface, detonate, and spew flechettes and shrapnel over a large area. Luckily for you, this will be a shoulder fired weapon, so you won't have to worry about catching shrapnel as much! :) ...Unless you've got a psuedogiant mere inches from cleaving you in half and you just say "screw it." :P This is a WIP. I am trying to see if I can script weapons to use two different ammo models, or use two different models altogether, or something...

Hand Grenades: As per their design, grenades will no longer land under your feet and only leave a scratch. Kill radii has been SIGNIFICANTLY increased. This won't be like hollywood, where you see someone toss a grenade into a bathroom, close the door, and they're magicly killed. If you are within 15-25 meters of the grenade and not behind sufficient cover, you WILL die. (30 means you'll be limping away mashing your medkit hotkey).

M209 and VOG grenades: Designed for both anti-personell and demo duties, these things will be a nice sweet blend of HE blast, and shrapnel. Though the kill radii won't be AS bad as the hand grenades, it will still be relatively nasty.

Note on damage: All damage for explosives will be increased. I'm sure you guys think this will be lame, as everyone will use grenades and the game will be to easy, but remember the goal of this mod: Screw balance, Lets just get the friggin' guns right! But to offset the power of explosives... They will be alot less common... which is how it should be. I mean seriously, other than in hollywood land, I do not think it would be that easy to acquire RPGs in a radioactive wasteland, where every military stalker has a "shoot on sight" policy...

More later on the napalm/phosphorus grenades in SmP.
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby OldFighter on 24 Dec 2009 22:02

MeanderingBeing, are you in Oklahoma? If so where? I am in Edmond just north of OKC.
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby audioave10 on 25 Dec 2009 07:12

Oldfighter...I think he went to somewhere up north for awhile. He was in Tulsa - not sure if he still is or not. I'm in Rogers, Ark. which is about 100 miles due
east from there. I worked in OK City back in the 70's. Drove by the Federal building every day. (the one they blew up in 1995)
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 26 Dec 2009 04:41

Yep, I am indeed up north. I am about 12 hours away from leaving Salt Lake City, Utah. I'm all the way up towards the rockies! It was an awesome drive getting up here, and hopefully, I'll be taking I-70 back, so I get to see all of the awesome mountains again. Its kinda funny up here in SLC, deer run through our yard up here day and night. Plus the smog up here is just ridiculous. When we drove in, you could barely see 100 feet ahead of ye.

But more to the point, yes, I am in OK. I currently live in a "suburb" of Tulsa called jenks. Honestly though, its stupid to call it a suburb. You cross the Arkansas river, and your in Tulsa, cross it again, and your in Jenks. I can swim across in less than 2 minutes! If anyone is ever in town, I can direct you to some good spots for drinking, burgers, or just hanging out. I have a humidor chock full of cigars thanks to christmas, so I would be more than happy to smoke some with ye! And, as an added bonus, the best burger joint in town in a mere 3 blocks away from my hang-outs!

Unfortunately, I'd send ye to my uncle's bar (Cody's Boat Bar), but Gerry Scumbag Gordon closed it down and ran off with all the money... So, if I were you, I'd avoid the Riverwalk in Jenks. It is currently on my boycott list, and should be on everyone else's too.

Anyways, I gots some re-packing to do, and some serious Z catching to do: Long drive ahead of me!
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby OldFighter on 26 Dec 2009 23:03

Well when you get back and rested, I belong to another forum you might enjoy if you do not already belong. The Oklahoma shooters association.


I post under RickN. Good place to talk about firearms and other less important topics. Also buy, sell or trade.
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 27 Dec 2009 20:04

All I can say right now is...
Oh, and thanks for the linky, oldfighter. In a couple o months here, I'll be able to go shooting again! So when the time comes, maybe you can direct me to some good ranges 'round here.
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby OldFighter on 27 Dec 2009 23:28

MeanderingBeing wrote:All I can say right now is...
Oh, and thanks for the linky, oldfighter. In a couple o months here, I'll be able to go shooting again! So when the time comes, maybe you can direct me to some good ranges 'round here.

Not a problem finding ranges. Join OSA ( its free ) and just post a question in the ranges part of the forum. They will tell you good ranges in your area and which to avoid. Same for gun shops.
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby ket on 16 May 2010 02:30

Some good ideas. You may want to build all that stuff on my weapons though not arsenal as my weapons have done a fair amount of legwork toward what you describe. I'm like you, REALISM!
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 23 May 2010 12:27

My model of a SUSAT scope and mount... all dimensions are EXACT, and all components have a purpose... unlike the one already in Arsenal and STALKER...
More to come later...
Took me about an hour to model... mainly due to measurements more than anything.
http://i401.photobucket.com/albums/pp91 ... SUSAT2.jpg
http://i401.photobucket.com/albums/pp91 ... rSUSAT.jpg
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Re: RFP Revival Mod...

Postby Nightwatch on 23 May 2010 15:16

Nice work! :thumbright:
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