Been off in the world of politics

Subjects with Humorous Touch

Been off in the world of politics

Postby Grump642 on 14 Apr 2010 03:40

As the title says, I have been off playing politics. Politics has never been a "sport" for the faint of heart, but these days it is worse then I have ever seen it. The hatredthat I have been seeing towards my side, has been so over the top I want to puke. I have to wonder if ANY country can survive this kind of split. I had to come back here to the zone just to get my head right.
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Re: Been off in the world of politics

Postby 3040Krag on 14 Apr 2010 04:39

Regardless of your political leaning, being whole is important.

I'm to the right, but one of the most solid people I've ever met is a Democrat. He was a State senator, Democrat. A great guy to talk politics with, he never waivers. Put your views in high gear, and tell people how it is! It takes at LEAST two sides to describe the solution to problems we all face!
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Re: Been off in the world of politics

Postby audioave10 on 14 Apr 2010 05:40

Grump...Welcome back to a nicer place. I avoid politics like the Plague. I see some good thoughts on both sides. However, neither side ever seems to have an open
mind. Its like two gangs where there is no "middle ground". This "back & forth" holds the country down. Its actually Government & Politics that keeps this country
from its great potential.
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