Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

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Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 29 Dec 2009 01:25

Title says it all! Post your non-stalker gameplay vids here! (Well, I guess you can post your stalker vids here if you want to... but we already have Journal from the Zone for that) I'll post a few to start...

Can you guys tell me if you get any sound with this one? YouTube says my audio has been re-enabled after a copyright dispute (they misidentified the songs). Its just some Unreal Tournement ownage (I am a prick when I have a flak cannon or ripper, as you will see)

This is just some awesomeness from Dead Space

Drifting somewhere in the VAST of homeworld

Me annihilating some moon humpers and robots in EARTH 2150

I am really just starting this thread to see the stuff the rest of you folks are doing... just for fun... Cheers!
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby Balious on 29 Dec 2009 13:22

Those are some good videos. Got sound on them all.

Here are a few videos I done. They may not really be recently but they things I go back to every so often.

Left 4 Dead 1 - Fail Moments 1 & 2:

Please note I did mistake at the beginning of the first fail moments due to still learning how to use windows movie maker at the time. The sound goes to normal after about two fail moments I think it was.

Now heres my recent playthrough of Resident Evil 1 as Jill. I planned to get it done before christmas day but rebuilt my computer so I didn't meet deadline. I be sure to get everything done for it as soon as possible.
Resident Evil 1 - Jill - Part 1 to 5: ... re=channel

also MeanderingBeing what do you use to record your videos? They look really great especially Dead Space.
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 29 Dec 2009 21:04

Lol, your fail moments are epic to say the least. Hey, just outta curiousity, can you play pirated versions of L4D on steam?
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby Nightwatch on 30 Dec 2009 01:31

very good videos from you both :D =D>

PS: sounds are OK to my ears, as far as I can hear :thumbright:
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby Balious on 30 Dec 2009 02:31

Im not sure if you can play a pirated version. It may work but just work like any other pirated version without any online play.

Thanks about the fail moments. When you see me jump suicide Blame the keyboard :-" I never pressed the d button to move right but it seemed to do it anyway during jumping and so I end up falling a big length and later on seeing my body :D

Got more Resident Evil videos ready to upload. I try and get them up onto youtube after I had some sleep.

I would try and use microphone to improve some videos but it doesn't get recorded and people just hear a big noise when I talk to them during records.

Also after I done Resident Evil I was thinking of doing a random clip of a game. But I am not sure which game to do. Maybe Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit and get a few more fans onto that game :D
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 30 Dec 2009 08:08

Man, Indigo Prophecy was such a let down for me. I beat the game and saw every ending in less than 10 hours of playing. I was so pissed. Instead of taking it back to gamestop and trading it for another game, I just put the disc in the microwave.

And as far as the pirated thing goes, I was only asking because I've wanted to play L4D with some actual people instead of those stupid AIs (and boy, them "survivors" are certainly a step down the evolutionary ladder) but I do not have the money... 2000+ mile roadtrips do that to ya! :P

Have you got Prototype yet? That game was ridiculously fun. First thing I did in the game was plow down a row of pedestrians with a SUV then launched it at a crowd across the street, earning me my firsy achievement for killing 150 people in less than 3 seconds! Damn, I need to replace my broken disc for this game... I never finished it and I would spend countless hours just climbing to the highest spot I could and let myself just meterorite onto the top of someone's head... Ahhh, I can still remember the mist of blood... You know what... If I ever got super powers in REAL life, it would be a very bad day for humanity. People would hide in fear in their homes, as the news broadcasts videos of me trying to skip a mac truck across the river, or beating people into unconsciousness with a fish.

Jeez, there is so much mischieviousness I still need to do...

Offtopic: You know, my friend in PA and I had made armor like that of the french on Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a catapult, bought a ton of stuffed cows, and we were planning on going to the top of the parking garage in the middle of downtown wilkes-barre, taunt the people below, and launch stuffed cows at cops when they eventually showed up... Never got to do it, man... I'm so sad about that. :pale:

Anyways, I stoppeth my blabbereth noweth.
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby Balious on 30 Dec 2009 19:52

Indigo Prophecy is one of the best games I ever played. I nearly rate it as good as STALKER. The story is one of the best things I ever seen in a game and can't think of any other story that compares against it.

L4D1 is quite cheap on steam for today only on the christmas special single day deal things at £6.24. Well the deal will be there untill this time tomorrow I believe. So if you got all that loose money around you can try getting it :D . Speak no more about why you asked. Those bots are a complete pain. Just look at what they do in my attempt at completing Crash Course at single player on expert. I never got passed the first map because of them :mozilla_frown:

My brother owns it on PS3 while I had a quick go on a pirated copy on the PC which I no longer own. I enjoyed the game from what I played alot more then I thought I would. I found it much better then GTA4 and Infamous. That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Also I think it was my pirated copy but I encountered a big strange bug. The sound will be really quiet and I have to turn it up loud and disable all other sounds while playing the game to actually hear anything.

Offtopic: That sounds like it would of been a lot of fun :D
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 02 Jan 2010 06:32

Hey, new vid from Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. Really fun game... You can hire hookers and then eat them, or cause riots in downtown LA, or kill multitudes of zombies, or make people think that they are frogs (if your malkavian), or just shoot alot of people.... All the while walking the thin line between humanity and turning into a rampant beast that murders whole cities.

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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby rockingmtranch on 03 Jan 2010 15:14

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by WMG."
Wow :-Q It's getting so you can't upload simple things to share.
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby Nightwatch on 03 Jan 2010 19:05

Things now getting to the point of oppression and persecution by some corporations which go far beyond the reasonable -and acceptable- level of protective measures aimed for the benefit of copyright owners. They are increasingly getting angrier and desperate which causes them to act even more bitterly like dogs with rabies.

But people have already tasted the freedom of sharing -within reason and not to the level of stealing rights of rightful owners of those material, of course- and now if this kind of persecution against the internet users continue, I think, and I foresee that, as the next stage, we may see an increase in servers being established in countries with more lenient approach towards internet users and those which do not quite sympathize with the pressures from such corporations (even they appear that they do so officially).

In the end, such oppressive measures now we're seeing in increasing levels will do nothing more than being counter-protective and cause the sources to move away from various jurisdictions to new ones, a move could bring more troubles in the long term in the terms of manageability of many things to those who now -too aggressively- try to curb the internet freedoms.

It all takes a couple of hard-disks, a cpu and a well cooled case to open up a server, and there are internet connections almost anywhere in the world. What I see is that they are playing a very counterproductive and vindictive game which will go nowhere other than ending up hurting them even more at the end. History shows that oppression has never achieved what it intended originally and always caused to create some alternatives which proved to be worse than they had wanted to stop in the first place.

>>End of philosophy. ;)
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby audioave10 on 03 Jan 2010 19:25 should post the video with the game sound included. Its the newer music soundtracks that will be rejected. Hell, I'd rather hear the
gameplay sound anyway since "Vampires" is a rare game.
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 04 Jan 2010 05:39

Will do. But my usage of music in my videos falls under fair (Personal, non-profit) use, and I fight the friggin copyright claims everytime... And everytime I win...
So gimme a couple days and the vid will be back up. Plus, if I can, I'll upload a music free version for ye guys! :)

EDIT: Well, it seems I deleted all of the old video files, so I can't make a music free version... I'll just have to make a new one for you guys! :) Also, the copyright claim has been removed. Enjoy folks!

EDIT EDIT: I am thinking about only posting vids with Dethklok in it... If I get a copyright claim from a fictitional band, I swear I will personally destroy Warner Music Group... Fookin' Nazis...
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby audioave10 on 04 Jan 2010 18:14

Cool video and great music...that game was such a freak show and was funny.
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby Balious on 04 Jan 2010 18:15

Soon as I finished my resident evil playthrough (hopefully soon if the recorder and me get on) I be looking at doing a dead space one :D maybe a few random videos of L4D2 and maybe a playthrough of STALKER.

I want to play vampire so much :mozilla_frown: but cant find it anywhere and its too much on steam.

I wonder if I should do requests of upload a game video for those wanting to check the game out and have my review.
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby jamie1992 on 15 Jan 2010 03:35

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Terroist Hunts.

Random Rolling and crashing of Cars in Rigs Of Rods. :D
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby Balious on 17 Jan 2010 13:22

Got another Resident Evil video up.

It starts with a funny scene :D or should i say a crap voice-acting scene.
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 20 Jan 2010 04:33

Me, Jamie, and some canadians playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2...

EDIT: More terrorist hunt, but just with Jamie this time...

There's alot more coming, trying to clean off all of my fraps files before reformatting and going to Windows 7.
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby Balious on 20 Jan 2010 20:04

Here is the last part of my Resident Evil Playthrough:

I see that Jamie still sucks at Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on terrorist hunt :D
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Re: Non-Stalker Gameplay Vids...

Postby MeanderingBeing on 21 Jan 2010 05:44

Nah, he's actually pretty good. Me and him can do a pretty good job on max density. Then again, last time we played, we were both just being stupid... we finally said "foock this" and gave up. But on a good day, we can handle the game be ourselves... Blake and Brett are both pretty good too... Ryan... Well, he's Ryan. He is helpful, I'll give hime that.

EDIT: Yet another terrorist hunt video! enjoy!
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