The Real NANO Suit

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The Real NANO Suit

Postby Nightwatch on 17 Mar 2011 18:04

The REAL NANO SUIT... or its very close relative in real life:


This is the top military grade Anti-radiation (for radiological and nuclear radiation) which US military and others currently use, which is also available for civilian use -if you can afford it, of course. :mozilla_smile: Not only does it provide protection against alpha and beta rays, it also provides a certain level of protection against the gamma rays, which goes through pretty much everything other than thick concrete and lead walls.
It says: "The suit is an excellent shield of high-energy beta particles, such as those emitted from Strontium-90, and provides at least 50% shielding of gamma rays up to 130 Kev."

This is a subject I think 3040Krag is highly qualified to elaborate on. :mozilla_smile:
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Re: The Real NANO Suit

Postby MeanderingBeing on 18 Mar 2011 04:15

To me, it seems to be only slightly more effective than most modern military CBRN suits... But this is definitely intriguing. The biggest problem with all of these suits, present especially with "First Response" teams is that they really are pointless unless worn PRIOR to entering the contaminated areas... It says here on this link of yours it was designed for protection during the evacuation of a dirty bomb... But I find that to be misleading, considering that once you've been exposed, you've been exposed. You can't really put on a magical suit and yell "I'm okay!"

Sorry... To me, it just seems significantly cheaper to buy up MilSurp CBRN equipment to get the same protection...
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Re: The Real NANO Suit

Postby 3040Krag on 19 Mar 2011 22:18

Generally, Alpha is stopped by a sheet of paper, beta by a thin sheet of metal such as aluminum. Shielding from gamma ranges from trivial to impossible.

Low energy gamma (indistinguishable from X-rays other than knowing their origin) are stopped by lead or tungsten shielding.

Cosmic rays (gamma of the highest energy) can pass through entire planets. If a gamma ray passes through the body without interacting with living cells, no harm results. But when a gamma ray does strike a cell, damage ranging from trivially repairable chemical changes, to genetic damage, to cell death can result.

Alpha and beta can be devastating to the body if emitters are inhaled or ingested, so anti-radiation suits are typically sealed, much like a space suit. Ridding the body of excess heat becomes the problem when wearing such a suit.

The best method to avoid radiation effects is to practice ALARA - As Low As Reasonably Achievable. Three means of practicing ALARA exist: time, distance and shielding.

Over time, radiation decays to safe levels. Stay away long enough and there is no danger. If you must expose yourself, plan your activity as much as possible to minimize the time spent near the radiation source.

Radiation is reduced by the square of the distance from a source. 2X as far away gives 1/4 the dose. 4X gives 1/16, etc. Keep as much distance between you and a source as is possible.

Shielding is the means used when the other two aren't practical. Shielding is very effective if you have enough of it. However, no suit is used without making use of time and distance as part of the protocol.
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Re: The Real NANO Suit

Postby 3040Krag on 19 Mar 2011 22:24

MeanderingBeing wrote:To me, it seems to be only slightly more effective than most modern military CBRN suits... But this is definitely intriguing. The biggest problem with all of these suits, present especially with "First Response" teams is that they really are pointless unless worn PRIOR to entering the contaminated areas... It says here on this link of yours it was designed for protection during the evacuation of a dirty bomb... But I find that to be misleading, considering that once you've been exposed, you've been exposed. You can't really put on a magical suit and yell "I'm okay!"

Sorry... To me, it just seems significantly cheaper to buy up MilSurp CBRN equipment to get the same protection...
Having been exposed is no insurance against additional exposure. While you can't plan against an initial exposure in the case of conflict, you can guard against future exposure. So, donning a suit after exposure is not pointless!

I do agree that the suit is a bit over-hyped. Simple measures to avoid future exposures need to be used rather than willy-nilly donning a suit and assuming you're "safe."
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Re: The Real NANO Suit

Postby Nightwatch on 20 Mar 2011 19:29

Hey 3040Krag, radiation is your filed of speciality (or, one of them) so, could you elaborate on the possible precautions that an ordinary man in ordinary life take in case of any nuclear emergency like that of what we see in Japan now? Because in western countries, well, in almost every country, there's at least one nuclear reactor within about an hundred miles of wherever you live. Brilliant! :D
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Re: The Real NANO Suit

Postby 3040Krag on 20 Mar 2011 22:32

Aside from time, distance and shielding, there's really only one precautionary measure you can take. Please seek medical advice regarding the use of Potassium Iodide (KI) for the prevention of uptake of I-131 (I'm not going to recommend ANY type of medical treatment as I'm not a physician!). There are some risks in using KI, but the benefits if exposure to I-131 is imminent are well recognized as outweighing the risks IF you are under 40 years old. For those of us over 40, the risk balance swings over to forgoing any prophylactic treatment.

There are treatments to aid recovery from ingestion/inhalation of Caesium-137, but again medical advice and support are generally needed. There isn't much in the way of treatment available for ingestion/inhalation of Strontium-90. Watchful waiting and treatment of any emergent conditions related to ingestion/inhalation of any of these radioactive materials is, of course, necessary for the rest of your life. Large exposures may require intensive medical support in the short term, as exposure to radiation immediately affects cells that divide rapidly - the gut and bone marrow have these kinds of actively dividing cells so acute flu-like symptoms and increased susceptibility to infection can result until the cell population returns to normal.

That covers the 3 big "players" in a nuclear reactor accident.
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Re: The Real NANO Suit

Postby 3040Krag on 20 Mar 2011 23:11

Some other things to do if caught in the "shadow" of a nuclear incident.

As much as possible, stay indoors. Try to seal all doors and windows, you want to minimize infiltration of dust as it may have radioactive particles embedded in it.

Up to a point, water in pipes and storage containers (hot water heater) will be free of contamination. Canned foods, sealed foods and foods already in your home when disaster strikes are also generally safe. Clean cans and packaging before opening if not already known to be clean, the dust on the can/package can be radioactive.

If you must use water from your environment, after the first day or so flowing water will be much safer than standing water. Local plant life will generally NOT be safe as it uptakes and concentrates radioactive material. If local livestock must be consumed, if the animal does not appear to be ill the flesh will be OK to eat (though there WILL be some radioactivity in it), just avoid bones and organ meat where concentrations are higher.

Limit outdoor activity as much as possible, especially in the first week following an accident. Until an "all clear" is announced, limit outdoor activity generally. When returning from the outdoors, remove clothing and wash your clothing and body as best you can. "Decontaminate" in a designated area near your shelter's entrance, as far away from the living space as is possible. Face masks are excellent to avoid breathing in dust.
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Re: The Real NANO Suit

Postby Nightwatch on 21 Mar 2011 20:38

These are very good advices, 3040Krag :-bd and you've provided more valuable information than the Japanese government has so far offered in the heat of a radiation disaster :salute:
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Re: The Real NANO Suit

Postby rockingmtranch on 22 Mar 2011 20:19

Nightwatch wrote:These are very good advices, 3040Krag :-bd and you've provided more valuable information than the Japanese government has so far offered in the heat of a radiation disaster :salute:

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Re: The Real NANO Suit

Postby ket on 19 May 2011 19:37

..... and a snip at a mere $1700 dollars! :p
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