Random PDA chatter

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Re: NEWSA+SIMBION_tweaked Support and Gameplay

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 24 Aug 2012 12:59

Mh, mind attaching the file that holds the random PDA chatter, I would like to go over that alas I can not at this time access my own game files.
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Re: NEWSA+SIMBION_tweaked Support and Gameplay

Postby Nightwatch on 24 Aug 2012 17:06

hi, you may need to download the mod from the server for quick access to those files, as I'm not at home now and my current files all have updates/workings on them for the upcoming patch. (so I'd need the reinstall the original 3.0 into another folder, going home and doing that would take time)
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Random PDA chatter

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 24 Aug 2012 18:49

Oh well, it will just have to wait until I get back to my stuff again.
I do not have enough space on the lap top to accommodate the amount of data.

But, any idea where exactly should I look once I get hold my PC
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Re: NEWSA+SIMBION_tweaked Support and Gameplay

Postby Nightwatch on 27 Aug 2012 03:06

Ok, when I get back home after the bank holiday (elder family visits) I'll send you the file.
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Re: NEWSA+SIMBION_tweaked Support and Gameplay

Postby Nightwatch on 29 Aug 2012 14:52

Back home and at work, visiting old folks was nice but the travel was murder. Now your question, DARK TEMPLAR; I checked your question once more before proceeding and noticed that "random PDA chatter" may actually point to different things as one may choose to refer and not quite specific. However I'm sending you (attaching here) the vanilla text xml files as you cannot access yours at the moment, and you can open open and have a look at them and use the ones you want.
Also, btw, are you referring to the news that is being posted at the bottom of the screen from time to time? If it's what you are referring, then it is a whole different matter, not exactly a random pda chatter, anyway.
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Re: NEWSA+SIMBION_tweaked Support and Gameplay

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 29 Aug 2012 17:48

Nightwatch wrote:Also, btw, are you referring to the news that is being posted at the bottom of the screen from time to time? If it's what you are referring, then it is a whole different matter, not exactly a random pda chatter, anyway.

Suppose so, the 'saw a bandit dead ... yada yada yada' notifications, thought I would go over them and try to replace some of the untranslated text and re-arrange the sentences a bit.
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Re: NEWSA+SIMBION_tweaked Support and Gameplay

Postby Nightwatch on 30 Aug 2012 18:41

Nightwatch wrote:Also, btw, are you referring to the news that is being posted at the bottom of the screen from time to time? If it's what you are referring, then it is a whole different matter, not exactly a random pda chatter, anyway.

Suppose so, the 'saw a bandit dead ... yada yada yada' notifications, thought I would go over them and try to replace some of the untranslated text and re-arrange the sentences a bit.

OK, just as I thought what you were referring, it's the news manager stuff. And what you describe is the vanilla STALKER matter, of course. There's a news_manager.script in the gamedata\scripts folder. There's a a bit problem in the vanilla in regard to its operation, as it's not entirely complete for the English market, devs didn't have enough time to complete it before the game's release. It checks and collects news data from other files as it should do, but translations and full files not exactly there. I'm enclosing the news_manager.script and string_table_news.xml (gamedata\config\text) which is in complete Russian; well, to be precise, it's Windows corrupted/unrecognized Russian style and first of all -like all files in such appearance- it needs to be converted to the "proper Russian alphabet" in order for it translated, if one can do. And this conversion requires a special software/translator to be run, then comes translation.
Have a go on it and then cross check the news_manager to see other files that it checks for this function.

Note: Newsa.Simbion uses a highly modified approach, utilizing amk scripts and the whole function tree follows a bit of a different path, suffice to say that it's more complicated. But all news are fully translated to English, thanks to AMK.
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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 30 Aug 2012 23:05

Sounds like jolly good fun.
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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 10 Sep 2012 21:50

Uni and work, what a headache and did I mention I hate Mondays ... I bloody hate Mondays ](*,) ( I should have bought that damn shirt in Germany).

Anyhoo, have snooped around in free time in hopes of finding something I can use for converting that corrupt text and the current results are not quite nice, unless I find a more user friendly method, it will have to wait until the hectic first quarter of fall passes to make any progress in this field.
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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby Nightwatch on 12 Sep 2012 18:29

DARK TEMPLAR wrote:Uni and work, what a headache and did I mention I hate Mondays ... I bloody hate Mondays ](*,) ( I should have bought that damn shirt in Germany).

Anyhoo, have snooped around in free time in hopes of finding something I can use for converting that corrupt text and the current results are not quite nice, unless I find a more user friendly method, it will have to wait until the hectic first quarter of fall passes to make any progress in this field.

You can copy-paste the "Windows corrupted Russian Text" on a text file, or word in that matter, and send me. I can run my software to turn it into readable Cyrillic (Russian alphabet) and then you can translate it to English, either by using someone who knows Russian or using online translators.
I hope the program still works, though, after many driver and MS updates. I guess it should be Ok anyway.
It'll be your responsibility to put the right text to the right place --if you want, you can put numbers next to each section/bloc as a reference. Your call. I am willing to extend a helping hand.
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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 12 Sep 2012 20:42

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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby Nightwatch on 13 Sep 2012 15:15

Here it is... Fortunately, Windows commands still worked.

1 Âñåì ïðèåì…Áðàòâà, íà áëîêïîñò íå
ñóéòåñü..Êàêèå-òî ïðèäóðêè íàïàëè íà ïàòðóëü…Âîáùåì òàì ñåé÷àñ ãàðÿ÷î…Íàâåðíÿêà
îïÿòü êàðàòåëüíûé ðåéä áóäåò

Всем пием…Батва, на блокпост не
суйтесь..Какие-то пидуки напали на патуль…Вобщем там сейчас гаячо…Навеняка
опять каательный ейд будет

2 Íåäàâíî íà áëîêïîñòå âçÿëè êóðüåðà Áàðìåíà ñ
òîâàðîì…Âîáùåì, ëàêîìûé êóñî÷åê – ÿùèê ñ àðòåôàêòàìè, ãäå-òî ó êîìàíäèðà ïîñòà
ëåæèò…Òàê, ÷òî åñëè êîìó æèòü íàäîåëî – ìîæåò ðèñêíóòü

Недавно на блокпосте взяли курьера Бармена с
товаромВобщем, лакомый кусочек ящик с артефактами, где-то у командира поста
лежитТак, что если кому жить надоело может рискнуть

3 Âñåì âíèìàíèå. Íà ñåâåð îò ìîñòà íà çàñòàâå,
ìåòðàõ â 100 çà áðîøåííûì ÁÒÐ-îì
íàòêíóëñÿ íà ñêîïëåíèå «Ýëåêòð»…Êîìó èíôà ïðèãîäèòñÿ – ñ òîãî ïèâî

Всем внимание. На севе от моста на заставе,
метах в 100 за бошенным БТ-ом
наткнулся на скопление «лект»Кому инфа пигодится с того пиво

4 Íàðîä, âîÿêè îïÿòü âîçîáíîâèëè ïàòðóëü ïîä ðàçðóøåííûì
ìîñòîì íà çàñòàâå. È âðîäå ñíàéïåð èõíèé òàì çàñåë…ðàññìîòðåòü ãäå íå óñïåë –
ïðèøëîñü îòòóäà ñìàòûâàòü…

Наод, вояки опять возобновили патуль под азушенным
мостом на заставе. И воде снайпе ихний там заселассмотеть где не успел
пишлось оттуда сматывать

5 Âñåì ïðèåì…Íà çàâîäå íà çàñòàâå îïÿòü áàíäþêè îáîñíîâàëèñü.
Õàáàð ó ñòàëêåðîâ îòáèðàþò…Êòî òàì ïîáëèçîñòè èç «îïûòíûõ» ïóãíèòå òâàðåé…Çà
ìíîé íå çàðæàâååò.

Всем пием…На заводе на заставе опять бандки обосновались.
Хаба у сталкеов отбиат…Кто там поблизости из «опытных» пугните тваей…За
мной не зажавеет.

6 Ê âîñòîêó îò ìîñòà íà çàñòàâå âèäåë ñòàþ ñîáàê –
â 20-30 øòûêîâ:)…Òàê ÷òî äåëàéòå âûâîäû, ãîñïîäà…

К востоку от моста на заставе видел ста собак –
в 20-30 штыков:)…Так что делайте выводы, господа…

7 Ãîñïîäà ñòàëêåðû…Ñðî÷íî íóæíà «Íî÷íàÿ
çâåçäà»...Ïëà÷ó ïðèëè÷íûå áàáêè…Ãîâîðÿò íà çàñòàâå ñ ïðîøëîãî Âûáðîñà îäíà äî
ñèõ ïîð åñòü…

опоа алкы…очо а «оча
звза»...лач пиличы аки…ово а заав полоо ыоа оа о
и по ь…

8 Âàñüêà ãîâîðèò åùå îäèí ìå÷åíûé ïîÿâèëñÿ,
òîëüêî îò òîðãîâöà óøåë. Òû çíàåøü, ÷òî äåëàòü…

Васька говорит еще один меченый появился,
только от торговца ушел. Ты знаешь, что делать

9 Ôåäüêó ×åðíîãî êòî-òî ïðèñòðåëèë â ãàðàæàõ… ×óþ,
áëèí, îïÿòü áàíäèòû ïîÿâèëèñü.

Федь Ченого о-о елл в гжх Ч,
блн, оь бнды овль.

10 Íå ñóéòåñü â Òåìíóþ Äîëèíó, îòòóäà ùàñ ëåçóò
çîìáàêè, òîëïàìè… Áåðåãèòå ïàòðîíû, ìëèí. Äàâíî óæå ïîðà áûëî çà÷èñòèòü äîëèíó.
È êóäà òîëüêî Äîëã ñìîòðèò?

Не суйтесь в Темную Долину, оттуда щас лезут
зомбаки, толпами Берегите патроны, млин. Давно уже пора было зачистить долину.
И куда только Долг смотрит?

11 Êàæèñü òîëüêî, ÷òî íà ñâàëêå âèäåë íåñêîëüêî
áîåâèêîâ èç Äîëãà. Èíòåðåñíî, çà êåì îíè ïðèøëè?

Кажись только, что на свалке видел несколько
боевиков из Долга. Интересно, за кем они пришли?

12 õóäî ìíå, ðåáÿòà, çàöåïèëî òàêè ìåíÿ. Åñëè êòî
âîçëå ðæàâîãî îçåðà, ïîäñîáèòå, çà ìíîé íå çàðæàâååò… Âîáùåì, ïîñòàðàþñü ñàì
âûêàðàáêàòüñÿ, à òàì ïîñìîòðèì.

худо мне, ебята, зацепило таки меня. Если кто
возле жавого озеа, подсобите, за мной не зажавеет Вобщем, постаась сам
выкаабкаться, а там посмотим.

13 Ñòðåëîê âåðíóëñÿ! Òîëüêî ÷òî îò çíàþùèõ ëþäåé
óñëûõàë… Èç ñàìîãî öåíòðà âåðíóëñÿ! Çíà÷èò ìîæíî, çíà÷èò, áëèí, ñêîðî áóäåì
áîëüøîé ïðîðûâ äåëàòü ê öåíòðó, à òàì è ïîñìîòðèì êòî êîãî…

рело вернул! ольо о о нюх людей
улыхл ого ценр вернул! н ожно, н, блн, оро буде
большой прорыв дель ценру, поор о ого

14  ãàðàæàõ òðè ÷åëîâåêà çàñåëî… Âñåì îñòîðîæíåå,
ïîõîæå ýòî óðêè îïÿòü çà ñòàðîå âçÿëèñü.

В гаажах ти человека засело Всем остоожнее,
похоже то уки опять за стаое взялись.

15 ß íà Ñâàëêå, òóò äîôèãà ñëåïûõ ïñîâ íàáåæàëî…
Ïîõîæå èç öåíòðà ïðèøëè íîâûå ñòàè, âñåì áûòü îñòîðîæíåå.

Я на Свалк, тут дофиа слпы псов набало
Поо из цнта пили новы стаи, всм быть остоон.

16 Âñåì àêêóðàòíåå. Ïîõîæå ÷òî òóò âñåðüåç è íàäîëãî îáîñíîâàëèñü âîåííûå.
Áàçà ó íèõ ðàñïîëîæåíà â çäàíèè èíñòèòóòà. Âèäåë íåñêîëüêî äåñÿòêîâ ÷åëîâåê è ñíàéïåðà íà êðûøå.

Всем аккуратнее. Похоже что тут всерьез и надолго обосновались военные.
База у них расположена в здании института. Видел несколько десятков человек и снайпера на крыше.

17 Ïîäñëóøàë èç ðàçãîâîðà ïàòðóëüíûõ, ÷òî âîåííûå âñå ÷òî íàéäóò ñîáèðàþò íà òðåòüåì
ýòàæå â çäàíèè èíñòèòóòà. Åñòü åñòü æåëàþùèå ðèñêíóòü ðàäè íàæèâû - ïîïðîáóéòå ïðîáðàòüñÿ.

Подслушал из азговоа патульных, что военные все что найдут собиат на тетьем
таже в здании института. Есть есть желащие искнуть ади наживы - попобуйте побаться.
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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 13 Sep 2012 20:34

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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby 3040Krag on 15 Sep 2012 03:25

I wish I understood Russian grammar better. I can *almost* make sense out of perhaps 70% of the Google translation of the corrected text!

Playing the STALKER Soup mod right now, and the translations in that mod often look the same :mozilla_undecided:
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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby Nightwatch on 16 Sep 2012 01:57

3040Krag wrote:I wish I understood Russian grammar better. I can *almost* make sense out of perhaps 70% of the Google translation of the corrected text!

Playing the STALKER Soup mod right now, and the translations in that mod often look the same :mozilla_undecided:

You're not alone there, 3040Krag, If you're getting 70% of the Google Translation, you're doing just great. :mozilla_smile:

Two problems here to be considered: one is that the Google Translation, though it's a great help one can easily access online, it nevertheless has (rather big) limitations particularly when asked to handle longer and complicated texts. Result is nothing much better than a 10-year-old trying to cook a five-star-Michelin-Chef's menu...

Secondly, which makes things even worse, STALKER's Russian is not that of Dostoyevsky, and it's a bit on the crude side, of course.

My latest round of (very heavy and long) translations have been made by a Russian Lawyer who was educated in the UK and works here -so the command of English and Russian languages are superb- and she said that the dialect employed in STALKER was sort of equivalent of what we call here the "Cockney" dialect, which is rather hard to understand by those who are not familiar with it in their life. Well, that kind of dialect is of course very suitable for a game like STALKER as the characters are not well-educated, but that makes the translation is rather hard.
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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 16 Sep 2012 11:56

And also as always when translating from one language to another. simply understanding what the word means is not enough, one needs to understand the context as well, which is one of the main reasons translation programs fail quite a bit.
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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 29 Oct 2012 09:58

Soo, finally got around to attempt fixing the damn thing.
Yeah, either heavy use of local terminology or downright awful grammar mistakes, have to resort to single word GT at times, that way I can see what the original word might have been.

The end result will will have quite a bit of guessing though, as some of the expressions seem too weird for me to be correct
To the east of the bridge on the outpost saw hundred dogs -
20-30 bayonets(штыков] :) ... So make your conclusions, gentlemen ...

I think what was meant is more like this.
To the east of the bridge on the outpost saw dogs -
20-30(штук- counting unit) :) ... So make your conclusions, gentlemen ...
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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby ket on 16 Mar 2013 02:05

Hows progress on this? I'd love to get a english version of it I really miss this feature from the russian version (yes I have native english and russian versions of stalker :d )
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Re: Random PDA chatter

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 29 Mar 2013 17:55

](*,) #-o L-)

Entirely forgot about that, have to look if I still have those files, suffered some data loss quite a while back

](*,) ](*,)
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