Most Underated/Overated Games

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Most Underated/Overated Games

Postby Balious on 11 Nov 2008 17:01

So what games do you think are underated or Overated?

For overated i deffiantly think World of Warcraft is in the top. Along with DOTA which is a warcraft 3 map.

Underated thats a tough one for me but I suppose Battle Engine Aquillia has got to be along the lines there as i seem to be the only person that actually has played the game out of a load of people i know that i asked about it.

Another Underrated game i remenber is UFO.
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Postby EggChen on 11 Nov 2008 18:23

Seriously under-rated - Doom 3

It still gets slagged off in games magazines, but I found it possibly one of the most immersive games I ever played. Everybody moaned about the flashlight, but that only made certain sections scarier. The graphics were (and still are) great.

Seriously over-rated - Half Life 2

I'll just copy and paste my post from the HL2 thread....

- You spend half the game in a boat or buggy that handle like warm shite. If I wanted that I'd have brought Micro Machines.
- You get a loading pause every 10 metres you walk (maybe slight exaggeration)
- The graphics were poor even for its time.
- NPC's are just infuriating ("Let me get out of your way Dr Freeman")... Just fookin move, don't tell me your going to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The weapons were poor, with the exception of the Shotgun.
- POSSIBLE SPOILER - Ravenholme, which everyone goes on about was about as scary as trick or treaters are at Halloween.... and dull.
- POSSIBLE SPOILER - The whole end section where you only have the gravity gun is just dull, I wanted to play a first person shooter.
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Postby Balious on 11 Nov 2008 18:34

I agree with some of the reasons why you hate half-life 2 but i think your getting carried away on some of this.

-As annoying it can be i actually like it being chased by a helicopter on one level but it is half-life 2 and should be more like half-life 1.

-turn metres into minutes and i agree to this and yes it is slight exaggeration. But still i hate it why cant they just load all the level up like they do on the other games? Ok maybe checkpoints or something like on halo but not that many loading screens.

-No idea why you put this here and no idea if your thinking of half-life 1. From playing half-life 2 i pretty much think the graphics are good. Much better then some games made after it. Although it doesnt beat games like FEAR or Doom on graphics. Graphics does not matter to play a game which everyone should know but there a few that rate games poorly for how they look (mainly people that dont want to play old games cause of the way they look)

-I agree with everything on the NPCs..

-Maybe its just me but i did like some of those guns. Shotgun is the best weapon ever :D

-Haven't got this far so no idea what Ravenholme is.

-I do like the gravity gun but again got no comment on this part but i do know what you mean by wanting to play a first person shooter. Why couldn't they make it like the first one?!

Doom being underated.. Never thought i see the day but i suppose it can be as i hardly see anyone talk about it.

I would call Jagged Alliance 2 underated but i may be lying saying that due to all the people that are still playing this game.
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Postby EggChen on 11 Nov 2008 18:49

I just think they got carried away with HL2 and forgot that first and foremost it was an FPS.... I mean, by the end of the game I bet less than half is played on foot with a gun in your hand.

Don't get me wrong, when on foot with a gun, it has some very good parts, the infiltration of the Prison was great. Then that is the problem, it highlighted the boring parts, and I think to give it greatest game ever awards is unbelievable.

As for Doom 3, under-rated for the same reason, it did what it was supposed to, and got slated for it by many areas of the gaming press. I think D3 suffered due to the hype over HL2 and many people brought into that hype without questioning it.

I bet if you had asked an FPS fan before HL2 the following questions, the answer would have been no.

- Do you want to spend large chunks of an FPS game in a boat?
- Do you want to spend large chunks of an FPS in a car?
- Do you want to break up the FPS gameplay with physics puzzles?

I don't hate HL2, but have no interest in playing it ever again, or the episodes. I played through Doom 3 many times, whereas HL2 was only once.

I agree graphics don't make a game, but they certainly help. Doom 3's graphics helped make it scary, and FEAR's stakegun would not be fun if you could not see the effects of it...
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Postby Nightwatch on 11 Nov 2008 22:40

I may need to amend my candidates for both sections as these are what come to my mind at this very instance:

I think Deus Ex 2 -Invincible War was rather harshly treated, understandable when compared with the game it was supposed to succeed, but when it's assessed individually -isolated from its connection with the original Deus Ex- it was not "that" bad. I'd like to emphasise "that bad" here, because while it was not a brilliant game -something a bit above avarage maybe- but it was trashed too severely.

On the other hand, I couldn't finish Half Life (1), I found it boring and inconsequential in storyline. Maybe the time was wrong then, and if I had played it again I'd have found it otherwise,but the fact of the matter is that it has never appealed to me again since enough to make me go and finish the game.
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Postby audioave10 on 15 Nov 2008 07:30

I found the original Half Life to be more puzzle than shooter but I did like
Half Life 2. I agree about not enough gunplay as I think the gravity gun
was just for physics-play. However, Dog was badass!
I already had a strong system at the time of Half Life 2 and the graphics
were great if you could turn them up.
I always thought that Valve LIED from day one with Half Life 2 about an
online account to play a single-player game. When they first started,
there was NO way to play off-line. That feature came later. I won't buy
anything from Valve again. I can find hard copies of their offered games
cheaper even though they don't pay for disk and box/manual.
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Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 15 Nov 2008 17:19

Doom 3 is indeed a good game, if you look at my e-mail adress then might see a refrence to how much i like the game, too bad that My current vista os won't let me play it :cussing: :angryfire:
Half Life 2 and the Episodes. Well they aren't what I'd call ''game of the year'' but their ok, playing HL2 at the moment
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Postby jamie1992 on 15 Nov 2008 17:21

Most underrated: X-Com series, Street Legal Series, Simulations like Armed Assault and Operation Fashpoint, GTR and Race Series.

Most Overrated: and you can flame all you want, Halo series, sorry but that is the most shitty overhyped piece of turd on earth, period.

Also i like HL series alot. :)
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Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 15 Nov 2008 17:47

jamie1992 wrote:Most Overrated: and you can flame all you want, Halo series, sorry but that is the most shitty overhyped piece of turd on earth, period.

For reasons unknown even to me, I agree
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Postby Balious on 15 Nov 2008 18:02

Ok jamie heres a few things i have to say to you. What the hell is Street Legal and GTR?

Overrated halo is yes. But its still an okay game (not including online play here with all the ppl that love halo) I just like the gameplay on the first one :)

Another underrated: Breed. It was called halo killer or something. Its a very good game even though i only had the chance to play the demo but it looks very very good.
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Postby Nightwatch on 15 Nov 2008 19:22

audioave10 wrote:I found the original Half Life to be more puzzle than shooter but I did like
Half Life 2. I agree about not enough gunplay as I think the gravity gun
was just for physics-play. However, Dog was badass!
I already had a strong system at the time of Half Life 2 and the graphics
were great if you could turn them up.
I always thought that Valve LIED from day one with Half Life 2 about an
online account to play a single-player game. When they first started,
there was NO way to play off-line. That feature came later. I won't buy
anything from Valve again. I can find hard copies of their offered games
cheaper even though they don't pay for disk and box/manual.

I haven't played HL2, just because it's required that you need to connect to STEAM, I don't want to do anything with STEAM. In principle, I oppose any obligations and restrictions (or control) put on the player after they rightfully bought their game.

I will only buy it (and play it) if I see that I will be able to bypass the unethical enforcement put on the player by STEAM for the game that they rightfully owned; it's even against the Human Rights.

DARK TEMPLAR wrote:Doom 3 is indeed a good game, if you look at my e-mail adress then might see a refrence to how much i like the game, too bad that My current vista os won't let me play it :cussing: :angryfire:
Half Life 2 and the Episodes. Well they aren't what I'd call ''game of the year'' but their ok, playing HL2 at the moment

After my Doom 3 was damaged, I looked around a lot (it was a book type carton box, lim. ed.) and finally I found one on Ebay in the USA, It came today. Not that I'm dying for the game but I was sorry that my collection was lost. I liked it's box more than the game :)

So I'll install it later on Vista, and tell you how it went.
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Postby VINTAR on 17 Nov 2008 13:00

Well, I think the most underated game of old was BLOOD 2 "The chosen"

Awesome game for its time.
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Postby MeanderingBeing on 17 Nov 2008 13:39

Well Jamie, I have to agree to a degree. See, I liked the first Halo... ALOT. But I tell you what, Halo 2 & 3 sucked. They were simply remakes with a graphics overhaul. The level structure was almost completely the same, just scaled up! How dumb is that? And I swear the AIs got dumber with each release too! But still, The first halo, in my opinion, rocked socks. It wasn't innovative in any way, but it was sure as hell fun to play. I especially liked the Elites and Grunts. Plus the aliens in the first seemed more feral, with their throaty yells and gutteral cursing. As soon as they made them start speaking english, it was all over in my opinion.

Plus the fanboy complex of so many people and halo just really weirded me out. I knew people who would kill someone in an argument over this game. That degree of obsession is not only unhealthy, but just plain stupid. One kid even tried to fight me because I liked the old assault rifle over the burst fire battle rifle. All I can say is that some of these folks took things to a whole different extreme.

Anyways, as for Doom 3. I'll say it over and over because its true, I LOVE MAKING DEMONS KILL EACH OTHER! A classic trick from the original DOOM is to trick enemies into hurting each other, and watch them fight over it, like a man would after being shot in the back. Only there's you, popcorn in one hand, and shotty in the other, waiting to pump the victor. Tis too much damn fun.

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Postby Balious on 17 Nov 2008 17:11

I agree with everything MeanderingBeing just said :) apart from that i do like halo 2 abit due to being able to play an elite and taking down that big thing when you arrive on earth. However i do agree they just the same game with a upgrade in graphics.

Also how do you acutally do that on doom 3? on doom 2 they just randomly started attacking each other sometimes for me as i was wondering wtf was going on so i helped a load of hell knights team against a cyberdemon :cheers:
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Postby MeanderingBeing on 18 Nov 2008 07:09

The trick is simple. You just gotta run backwards so they all line up, and when one of em attacks, quickly sidestep and watch him accidentally hit one of his buddies in the back. Then in their brawl, they often accidentally hit other guys... Its kinda like bar-room brawl syndrome.
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Postby Victim on 26 Nov 2008 07:22

jamie1992 wrote:Simulations like Armed Assault and Operation Fashpoint, GTR...

I cut the "Race" games when quoting because I felt that they veered too far from sim and well into arcade territory but I definitely agree that the other games above are all underrated - although Operation Flashpoint is perhaps a line-call because it actually did attract a very dedicated and surprisingly large following. I guess it just took quite a while to gain momentum - not unlike STALKER.

Also (and this is purely my opinion) I feel that Giants: Citizen Kabuto, was (and still is) the most underrated game ever created.
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Postby jamie1992 on 26 Nov 2008 11:23

Hmm, well i find GTR and Race series pretty realistic, and i cant sense much if not any arcady-ness in them, maybe its just me.

Yeah, the arma community has suddenly shot up and the modding scene is now bigger than it used to be like 2 months ago which is good.
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Re: Most Underated/Overated Games

Postby Balious on 30 Nov 2008 00:05

Another underrated game i think is mount & blade. A very good game yet lots of people have no idea what this game is.
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Re: Most Underated/Overated Games

Postby MeanderingBeing on 17 Apr 2009 00:52

One game I never played (and most people I've met haven't even heard of it) but looks AMAZAZING is EVOLVA. I was 8 or something when this game came out, and the concept astounded me. You play these aliens that are pretty much nomads, but all these other aliens are trying to kill you, so you have to evolve your DNA to survive. Never played it, but like I said, concept is awesome, and if it lives up to its concept than it definately be in the underrated pile. I'll go see if I can find a copy now...

Over-rated: Baldurs Gate 2. I'm sorry, but the first was so much more fun and had a cooler story line... 2 just didn't hold up to the first. Yeah, you got to fight dragons and poo, but story and gameplay wise, it was just flashy over-hyped poo.
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