Packets n forum stuffs

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Packets n forum stuffs

Postby Russo on 23 Sep 2008 13:28

hi, 1st i would like to ask if this is a stalker forum or "my mod" forum, cuz i already have seen weird stuffs, if its a forum for modders or mods, then i may suggest to the owner to give "powers" to others users, such as Eggchen, Fatrap, Silverpower or NatVac, those are the people that i can remember and for all i have seen that have a "nice" history, if the later, then forgive me for this dumb suggestion.

Nightwatch, i believe u have no reason to be mad about some1 tweaking your mod, after all if it werent for the others mods and the tweak of the others peoples, your mod wouldn't exist. I also dont think you have the right to tell who can do this or that, for instance if we follow your way of thinking, you wont be able to tweak SIMBION, in fact SIMBION wont even exist. Now here is something that you probably dont know, most people who have created the features of SIMBION are not happy to see it there, are u okay with that fact that the real creators dont like people tweaking their stuffs? Lets says you have created something and want people to download your mod, then a folk comes in and takes the best features and put it together with other mods, then the people who gonna download, see it and think "hey, i will download this one because it has more stuffs", then they dont even download YOUR mod, they choose the other one that has more stuffs, how you would feel about that? what would be your motivations to make something new and see a dude who put things together getting all the credits? do u see what i mean?

Are u mad? im not, some times i only get mad when i see people using stuffs from others mods and when they are bashing the very mod where they are getting the stuffs from, you can see that in gsc and others forums, even in the official SIMBION forum, how ironic? and you are mad about a tweak, doh, just relax.

For those who have been reading and think that i have something against modders who use the main features from others, no i dont, i was just showing a different view and based on that, i was pointing out that there is no reason to be mad, but i do think that if everyone* start to use always the same stuffs, its a bad thing, soon there will be nothing new, lack of imagination or the lack of trying to do something new is a bad thing, there are so many things that can be done and easly, there is no need to get everything from others mods, also it would be much more cool if people could team up with others to make a mod, instead of everyone trying to make their own mod using always the same features with different settings, well that is me, maybe im wrong, i guess im just "disappointed" of how many people from stalker community is acting, even the people that many thinks that are "serious", acts like a pinhead and bash everyone in their own mod description, why would some1 put this "this is not another brain dead mod" in the mod description? :cheers:
what is next? what is the point?

I also think that modders should give more credits for the people who are trying to fix stalker.

lol sry for the long post, if it werent for that silly topic i wouldnt have posted this.


As some of you may know im about to release Inferno v1.2 and i thought about something, which would be an addon, but im not sure if in long term will crash or not.

Now about the question, as many people know the game use packets to save information to save game, like task, treasures, variables, etc...

Anyway, i have been playing with this since Inferno 1st release, but i never released anything, i was only testing.

the thing is: i know how to "play" with packets, save stuffs, etc...
but i dunno how it works, i mean i know how to work with this, but i dunno how it work, i do not have the same knowledge of Silverpower, NatVac and others about lua, but i do understand logic and how to create things with the knowledge that i have, which very much let me do almost anything i want, but there are certain stuffs that i dont know how it works.

for instance when the scripts get the packet value from bind_stalker to save or read the values, there is no information where the value is, its like magic, the game just know where the information is, i wonder how is that, i have made many functions testings packet and saving stuffs with 4 lines of code and the others vanilla scripts does the same thing, it only change the type of the value, like string, boolean , number and packet size.

How it work? how the game know when im using a packet and i read a value, how does it know that im not reading a value from the task or treasures, how does it know its the variable that i created? its so weird, is it by the position/time when the script does that?

I also figured that even saving stuffs with packet have a limit, its around 1.3kb and i was very disappointed when i hit that wall, so if the code that i use to save stuffs is basicly the same of treasure, task and etc.... i suppose that when the vanilla script is using that code is also "eating" that space and if it hit that wall it will crash as well? so the limit would be that 1.3kb that i found + the spaces that is already in use by the vanilla stuffs?

My addon would be "artefact statistics" and i have "wrote" many codes in my head on how to do it without saving the id, but it would be boring and the player would still be able to cheat, so the only real way would be by saving the ID, in my current gameplay(new game), over 200 IDs via packet is CTD. though im not sure about the packet, cuz i have seen weird errors from it. That is not a problem for a mod that dont use many variables, but for inferno is.

anyway, i doubt that i will keep doing it, im running out of time, so i thought i would ask anyway, it wouldnt stop me for making it, im just currious how it work for the game.
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Postby Nightwatch on 23 Sep 2008 16:08

Welcome Russo, it's great to see you here. :wav:
I don't need to say the obvious that's well known, but you are one of the most talented modders around, and I admire your ingenious and revolutionary scripts.

I've seen the video, and may I congratulate you with the release of greatly expected Inferno 1.2. :thumbright:

Extremely amazing stuff. So I have to delay the games that I was planning to buy and now start playing Inferno 1.2.

What was that in that video? Did I see an invisibility function? The FN2000 was almost transparent! Great video cut, great effects, and I believe some great new weapons as well... :violent3: :thumbright:
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Postby Kanyhalos on 26 Sep 2008 16:51


I know we don't like each other too much, but I don't want to offense you, it's better to being on calm, I hope you have to agree with me.

If I understood correctly, you might want to know how to increase the size of the actor_packer to be able to have more amount of variables/id's stored.
Well, you need to disassemble the files in the bin folder to find your answer, even if you understand that code, I don't.
May try to ask bardak.
The limit of the storage is 7kb, it's stored in the savegame, and yes, the vanilla uses parts of it, depends on actually how many quests are active and treasures have been revealed, and probably some other things, too.
So yes, it's normal to have about 1,5kb free space.

I'm using a fake_net_packet.script by Red75, that cleans the storage when it does reach its maximum limit, may you should integrate something similar to prevent the corrupted savegames, though you'll loose all quests and probably the timers if they are based on variables.
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Re: Packets n forum stuffs

Postby barin on 26 Sep 2008 21:15

Russo, i used packets only when i was porting stuff from old priboi all.spawn to new all.spawn (which was lol btw) besides that i'm not using packets because i actually don't need them. However i do believe that position of stored data is the key, look at vanilla scripts, first thing you do is to get the size of data you want to save, then you "reserve" enough space for data and you save the data itself. Loading is similar. Also i guess packets has limits of stored data. If you really want to use packets i would suggest you to take a look at xstream's, red's and dexx's scripts, they wrote useful functions to load/save data via packets.

good post, btw.
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Postby gr1ph00n on 27 Sep 2008 21:38

Russo, i did some tests using net_packet class, what i can say is that datas are stored one by one, so position and also the type of data ( bools, numbers, strings ) are very important.
btw, zenobian mod used packets too, you should look at it, if you're still interested in :)
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Postby Russo on 29 Sep 2008 15:49

@barin n gr1ph00n, i was not asking how to do, i know how to do, i said it in my own post, barin "got" it at the start of his post, but then he "lost".

because my question was not how to do this, its very easy to do, but how the game process the information, like the internal process which i put my "thought" of how i think its done, which was very similar to your answers.
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Postby jamie1992 on 29 Sep 2008 17:18

Wow, im sure this will come in handy sometime.

Offtopic: Hey Russo how long till Inferno is out im am so badly wantting to play it since you said your uploading last night.

I been thinking of all the epic stuff in it and i cant contain myself much more. :D

PS: Anychance you could upload readme seperate as i would love to read it. :D
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