Just Another Statistic

Just Another Statistic

Postby jamie1992 on 21 Jan 2009 23:35

Hey all, to let you know, had a major accident, my heatsink and fan fell off the CPU and landed on my GPU, and its fried the whole comp, so i have lost all my models, all my mods, everything, and i probs wont be around to often but there we go.

Thought this was a good place to say, ill catch you all soon.

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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby EggChen on 21 Jan 2009 23:50

I feel your pain brother!!

I'm buying a console.... just kidding.
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby Nightwatch on 22 Jan 2009 00:25

jamie1992 wrote:Hey all, to let you know, had a major accident, my heatsink and fan fell off the CPU and landed on my GPU, and its fried the whole comp, so i have lost all my models, all my mods, everything, and i probs wont be around to often but there we go.

Thought this was a good place to say, ill catch you all soon.


damn bad... it's the sort of thing that I'm always afraid of. They do very big heatsink/fan combos and they are attached to mobo only with tiny pins.

GPUs do not come cheap, I'm really sorry to hear that. You mean the rest also damaged? Taht's even worse. I can only hope still some turn out to be salvageable.

Do you know how many people actually stumble on their game consoles that lie on the carpet and break their leg (or other parts) in a year in the world?

A: >10 000
B: >100 000
C: >300 000

answer: Npghnyyl V unir ab vqrn, V jnf whfg nfxvat vs lbh (be nalbar ryfr) xabj vg? :D
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby EggChen on 22 Jan 2009 00:32

Nice one NW #-o

Don't worry, I do jest, I left the dark side a few years ago, and I don't intend to go back. Was talking to my 360 owning mate the other day about Fallout 3, and how great the game is, when he said, I just wish they would release some more content quickly.... I smirked thinking of all the stuff already released by modders.

I also tell him what a great game Stalker is to wind him up.....

I'll never go back to consoles, I would miss screwing around with things too much.
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby jamie1992 on 22 Jan 2009 00:40

Well, according to my bro the entire thing is fried, and nothing works apart from the PSU apprently. :S

Worst thing is i lost ALL my mod stuff, and my models, thats about 2 years of models i lost, which means i have nothing for my portfolio, and i cant mod or model anymore as i cant afford a new comp, and this comp i have, isnt capable of gaming or modelling, so im stuck and cant model or mod at all until i oneday can get a new one. :(
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby Nightwatch on 22 Jan 2009 01:09

Too bad, really. :mozilla_frown: You mean Hard Drives got fried as well? I'd say that you should anyway have them checked properly for data recovery. If it can't be done professionally, there are programs available that really recover erased stuff from the Hard Disk sectors, may not be complete, but depending on the damage, you may still recover some parts of your stuff at varying extents, well, even in that case it's better than having lost them fully.
I'll check around that if I can find one for you to download.

Yeah, you're right there, no console can offer the same rich choices of a PC even for those who don't utilize their PCs at full extent. Having said that, I hope Resident Evil 5 will come to PC as well. Hmm...I think it would.
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby audioave10 on 22 Jan 2009 07:09

I feel your pain...and this is not that unusual. I had a Artic Cooler
Freezer 64 on the first Asus M2N-E mobo I had and heard a "SNAP".
The cooler had popped off the top clip and my temp went up. I was
lucky...it did not fall off. Contacted Asus and was sent another
bracket to use. That is when I went to the Zalman 9700 cooler.
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby jamie1992 on 22 Jan 2009 21:11


I have no idea WTF my brother did, but he came back with the comp saying its all up and running and everything now works fine.....i hae no idea WTF he did, but its all running sweet atm, will have to see how it goes. *Fingers Crossed*
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby EggChen on 22 Jan 2009 21:29

You owe that man a beer :partyman:

... and you really should back that important stuff up while it is still working!!
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby jamie1992 on 22 Jan 2009 21:34

I sure do owe him a beer or something, as for backing up i would but i have nothing of which to back it up on, and i cant find anything big enough to hold 40Gb.
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby Balious on 22 Jan 2009 22:10

@Jamie: Not really sure what to say but what I can say to your backup is backup everything. Split it all up take as many disks/discs/usbs whatever you got. May seem forever but look on the bright side you have all your stuff incase your computer decides to go boom again. And you owe your bro more then a beer! perhaps he can do one of the problems I have :-?

@Nightwatch: Yep Resident Evil 5 does come out on PC :thumbright: however about the controls I am not sure if they be good or crap. They must be better then the nemesis default controls though. Well the default controls my version had.
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby EggChen on 22 Jan 2009 22:23

Its worth picking up an external HD, or if you already have an old HD, pick up a case for it that turns it into an external HD. They are fairly cheap now.

This is for SATA but similar can be found for ATA drives :

http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Componen ... ctId=34542
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby Nightwatch on 22 Jan 2009 23:14

Hey jamie, I'm glad that your PC got away unharmed, or at least with as little probs as possible that let you keep your work. :thumbright: It's always best to keep backing up all important stuff. I ues disks, USBs, and an old HD as well for this. Years ago, I had my lesson, now everything is backed up three fold. :mozilla_smile:


That's good news that Res % is coming to PC as well, and I too hope that the controls are ported cleverly as well, because it's known that not all console games offer good controls when they are released on PC.


I have an Artic Freezer as well, ( I think it's Pro 7 or something) after I read about your experience, I'm a bit more worried about it as well, for the damn thing weighs more than a pound and hangs onto the mobo with 4 tiny plastic legs only. Fortunately, I have a window on the side of my PC, lol. :D
So you say Zalmans are more securely fitted onto the mobo?
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby Grump642 on 23 Jan 2009 00:44

Jamie, just burn all your mod stuff to DVD. Do it every month. They are cheap. You have a dvd burner, right?
audioave: That's why I love the Noctua coolers. I have NEVER seen a cooler fastening sys as good as theirs. Not even Zalman.
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Re: Just Another Statistic

Postby audioave10 on 23 Jan 2009 07:44

Another reason for buying a better mobo...Nightwatch talked about
his Freezer being held on by 4 small clips. Mine was held on by only
3 small clips and the single clip is on the top where all the pressure
is! The Zallman doesn't use those clips.
Jamie...glad to here you are back in business. :)
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