Fallout Series

Fallout Series Disscussions and Mods

Postby audioave10 on 21 Nov 2008 03:31

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Re: Fallout Series

Postby audioave10 on 03 Dec 2008 04:31

Lets get to the point...Fallout 3...
cranked up settings to full and looks great...
level 20 cap is bad so I put a "slower leveling" mod on and after 106
hours I'm 95% finished and level 19 (much better)...
was "small arms expert" and that made it a much better shooter...
the longer you play the better it gets...
many, many things to do and see...
if I install a .esp mod, I put the disk in once and check off the data files window for my mods and after that *one time* I don't have to use the disk (great!)...
using 25 mods so far to improve things (great!)...
My advice...go for it!
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby Elvis Scatter on 03 Dec 2008 21:42

I bought Fallout 3 a few days ago. This game using improved 3D engine as The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. You can see advanced bump map effect. The night... yeah. Is very atmospheric and beautiful. I personally don't like game story.
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby EggChen on 03 Dec 2008 21:54

Audioave - Thanks, I did go for it, and quit last night while still in the vault!!!
I brought the game yesterday as a little Christmas present for myself (it always makes Christmas shopping much more fun when you include a present for yourself....)

I am sure the insanely boring and annoying start gets much better!! After completing the game I will add some of those mods, I have already gone for small arms, explosives and heavy arms... I think I'll be playing it as a shooter!!

All I wanted to do last night was get out and see the wasteland!! I'll have another dig at it tonight.

Edit: OK, got further, and I quite like the wasteland, and exploring aspect.... I didn't even head to Megaton, just went searching some abandoned school, fought some raiders and giant ants.

It seems pretty cool, and I think I will like it, just one thing.... I have it maxed and its not that impressive, I think the main reason is extremely poor textures!! It is one big blurry mess, but the creatures and NPC's are much better. Why did they not pay that attention to the environment? I feel like I am playing a console game.

I don't like to mod a game without playing it, but I am going to see if there are any texture mods out yet.
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby audioave10 on 04 Dec 2008 18:16

As usual, textures are Bethesda's weak point. Already some mods
for that are available. Probably the trade-off for the huge map. Yes,
I hate the "growing-up" beginning. Keep a save when you break-out. It continues to get better slowly.
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby EggChen on 08 Dec 2008 02:17


I start to get into the game and now what, every time I go indoors it crashes.... googled it and many have the same problem, without any common fix. I should get my money back, I think this has killed Fallout 3 for me.

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Re: Fallout Series

Postby audioave10 on 09 Dec 2008 01:08

Try this...when you get to a door wait 3 to 5 seconds before you try
to enter. I just don't EVER have these problems with any of these games and it's not because I'm smarter than anybody here (I'm
probably the dumbest) but I play at a more casual pace and I'm
wondering if that makes a difference to allow these new "heavy"
games more time to load textures and etc. Also, sometimes it seems to freeze but it doesn't...you just have to wait an extra 10 or 20 seconds for it to load up. Don't touch any keys during these times. I thought mine froze so I went to the kitchen and when I came back it had indeed loaded me into my Megaton house. It
must have taken 25 seconds to do it. Hopefully a patch will help.
I've also heard rumors of a memory leak.
It just might make a difference that I'm too lazy to be in a hurry.
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby EggChen on 09 Dec 2008 01:46

Nope, tried all of that already, from the forums it is a very common problem with multi-core cpu's.... I suppose the geniuses at Bethseda didn't think many of us had those crazy new fangled processors!!

I have even reinstalled in case the game became corrupted, started a new game in case my saves are corrupted. Basically if I go inside a house, it freezes between 5 and 10 seconds in, I leave it for 10 minutes, nothing.... Task Manager says it is not responding. Guess how many times you need to go indoors!!!

This is the first game I have ever brought that is completely unplayable, I am interested in knowing just how I get my money back, but guess what, I have to wait for a patch (in the hope it will fix the problem).

I simply cannot believe how many other people on Bethseda forums are having the same problem. Wish I had never brought this game.

All I can say to everyone else is....


It is a shame Dave, as I was starting to get into this game!!!
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby audioave10 on 09 Dec 2008 02:23

Shadow filtering & soft reflections...Have you tried reducing either of those yet? One guy got rid of his indoor crashes this way.

Using Vista? Install latest version of Vista Codec Package.
Another thing...to keep away scripting crashes be sure to gradually do the main quest up ahead far enough that you don't interfere with
it by killing a quest NPC needed later. Yes, lots of guessing here but
these things have helped some people.
By the way...soft reflections are in the advanced water settings.
Here I go again...did you install by the exe. on the disk? That will
bypass the Securom disk-check which was flawed and I also did not have any use for the Windows Live crap. Did NOT install it and no
DVD-key is needed or asked for. Without those no patch is needed
since the only small patch is for those - not the game.

For Quad-core this has worked for some:
in the Fallout 3 ini....change...

bUseThreadedAI = 1
iNumHWThreads = 2

save and try
This is just until a quad-core patch comes out. After more reading it
seems this cured in-house crashes for MOST people with quads.
Last update: do not use GamesforWindows updates or patches. The
current forums at Bethesda show that these last few tweaks have
cured almost everyone's indoors crashing.
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby Balious on 09 Dec 2008 16:38

I have a quad-core.. Seems like i may have a problem with this game :(
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby Nightwatch on 09 Dec 2008 18:55

Oh shit! I have a dual core and I've already ordered the game from Amazon, it's on its way. Noooo!! B-( :D
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby EggChen on 09 Dec 2008 20:46

Well you guys may be lucky, Audioave had no problems!!

Thanks for all the tips Dave, I'll try them out, but to be honest I am not too bothered with the game right now, gonna take a break I think!! i was about to see how far the disc would go out my window last night after many attempts to fix the problem!!

I installed from the exe like you said previously, so no SecureRom issues, I also created my own shortcut from the exe to avoid having to use the disc. When I use the launcher (with the disc in the drive) 50% of the time it will not even launch!! It crashes before the menu screens, this seems to be common for those having the freeze problem as well.

No-one is entirely sure what the cause is, but the common theme is dual or quad core, I have not seen a single core user having the same problem.

I'll try the codec pack next, that is one of the possible fixes I had not yet tried.
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby Nightwatch on 09 Dec 2008 21:46

EggChen, have you also consider shutting down other cores and using only one? (though I'm not sure if it's practically attainable and worth it)

Audioave10, thanks that you've started this game earlier than us and now have a vast knowledge on running this game. When I start the game, I'll be reading this thread from the beginning again. It's a very good knowledge base now. :D
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby audioave10 on 10 Dec 2008 17:46

Really strange...is the Europe (even English) version different than
the US version? BTW I'm using...AMD dual-core 2.8ghz, 4gb RAM,
SLI'd 8800GTS 512M (G92) w/175.16 driver. I haven't updated driver for 6 months and I'm not yet using the physics driver.
Windows XP SP3 tweaked nicely. The US forums don't have any problems with dual-core but many of you guys are "across the pond"
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby EggChen on 10 Dec 2008 21:58

I don't know how different, but they are, at least there are seperate patches for US and UK... perhaps the developers hate the UK!! So they installed a game-breaking bug and decided to ignore the hundreds of posts on their own forums....

Quick update, tried the codec thing, no joy. I have tried many, many of the fixes that have been posted here and on the forums, but no joy. It seems that whatever causes this problem is not just one thing but many....

The only thing I have not tried is dropping down to one core... that just seems insane, and as Nightwatch pointed out, drivers and things which may be part of the issue could be running on other cores at start up.

I guess I'll have to see if they feel like patching the game so it works for their users... failing that, what are my chances of a small claims law-suit for my money back? I exceed the game requirements on the box but cannot play.... don't worry this is not a real question, I know my chances =))
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby NatVac on 11 Dec 2008 07:07

EggChen wrote:The only thing I have not tried is dropping down to one core... that just seems insane, and as Nightwatch pointed out, drivers and things which may be part of the issue could be running on other cores at start up.

Making the change to limit the CPU to one core in the computer's BIOS settings would fix this problem. Not all BIOSes permit it, but if yours does, it's worth a try. And you can return to multi-core when you are done.

And you might have to disable HyperThreading as well, if your processor supports it; new ones do.

It sounds like a race condition problem or synchronization problem, if single-core processors don't have it.

The problem can still arise when you limit just the game itself to one core, as the drivers and other processes (e.g., the DRM support) may already running in a separate core. Perhaps if you chose the same core as the drivers...? I don't have a multi-core processor to test, though, and I don't know how the drivers are handled by the kernel in XP. And Vista also handles the drivers in a new way, so there may be other differences (and bugs) as well.

Finally, as with STALKER, different environmental conditions make a big difference, as some dual-core users don't have a problem with STALKER while others do -- and some start having the problem when they make system changes (e.g., driver updates) or install game patches (e.g., no prob with STALKER 1.0004, but big one with 1.0005, or vice versa). Maybe it IS the specific UK-vs-US patch difference, or there's something different about the OS in North America that the EU prohibits Microsoft from including, something that loads the system differently...
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby audioave10 on 11 Dec 2008 16:51

Another consideration...since I went to dual-core 2 years ago I've
always installed the AMD dual-core optimizer and as you know I've played ALL games just fine. At the same time, MS came out with a
"hotfix" for the new dual-cores. They borked it big time and guys
that had the optimizer AND the hotfix had nothing but trouble. I
always read the tech forums before I do anything so I found out about it. Does Intel have a specific download for their quads? It
would be wise to find out. I do know that Intel had some fixes for
awhile for their CPU's also. Their may be bios updates for mobos
until they get it right on these new CPU's.
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby Nightwatch on 11 Dec 2008 18:51

It might as well also (even partly) due to the SecuROM, and/or other software that is included in EU range for DRM checks. I know that (from Doom3 and others) many US games play without requiring the player to insert and keep the disk in the DVD player, whereas you have to do this in UK versions. EU has not so big teeth as it tries to portray itself.
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Re: Fallout Series

Postby rockingmtranch on 12 Dec 2008 20:00

I finally read through this thread. Whew! Eggchen, only thing I never saw you mention is whether or not you have the autosave features on. I turned mine off and it helped a great deal with the crashing.
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