The Infested City Mod

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Postby jamie1992 on 02 Oct 2008 00:20

Just had an idea,

bones_particles = pseudodog_firebite_particles

pseudodog_particles_lfoot = pseudodog_firebite_particles_lfoot
pseudodog_firebite_particles_rfoot = pseudodog_firebite_particles_rfoot
pseudodog_firebite_particles_lhand = pseudodog_firebite_particles_lhand
pseudodog_firebite_particles_rhand = pseudodog_firebite_particles_rhand

particle = explosions\campfire_04
bone = bip01_l_foot
sound = ambient\fire2
blowout_light = on
light_color = 0.8,0.9,1
light_range = 30.0
stop_on_death = true
sound_looped = true

This is an extract from NEWSA i take it this spawns the particcle on the dogs left foot?

Catch you all tomoz im off to bed.

Good night and please post.
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Postby Nightwatch on 02 Oct 2008 19:56

Well, it should, coz there is fire on the left leg of the firebite. :D
But, it's not that easy, I'm afraid; it needs to be supported with script. Those can be done of course, but is really answer the question that you're trying to address?

If I'm not mistaken, you want to create a fog cloud around the player. This is a bit more complicated, although it may look similar. Because of the dynamics of things are different and in the end result, you may not like what you get.

I hope I haven't understood the matter wrong, but as I see that getting fog around the player will cause that fog cloud to move with him, engulfing him all the time; so he will be in the fog, either always or for some certain time.

Then would you consider covering the Pripyat itself in full fog? Thick, moving, waving fog. So, teher will be always fog around the player, as long as fog activation time allows. (permanent one, or temporary)

This, as end result (in graphical sense) easier to create, and may offer even spookier visuals. :)
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Postby EggChen on 02 Oct 2008 20:51

Problem is lag.

I could do an immense fog, but if it is everywhere the lag would be insane.
Easiest way is to give the image of fog everywhere, use short draw distance and fog distance in the weather. Say 100m draw distance, 50 metre fog distance.

Then fill the 0 - 50 around the player with drifiting swirling fog.

For this you can use the weather, but its not perfect, you can at time outrun the effect, turn round and watch it catch up with you!!

Jamie - If your going to spawn it on the actor or on a mutant, may I suggest you download PE3? Using the firebite example from Nightwatch I managed to get it working.... it will be easier for you to see in PE3 than in a bigger mod like N.E.W.S.A.

Just look at the files in the PE3 script folder, and the creature config files and you will see how it is done.
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Postby jamie1992 on 02 Oct 2008 20:54

Well today i build fog through weather from scratch but it didnt look very good and you could see the sky through certain objects so i scraped that and im back to sqaure one atm. :S

Ill have a go with Actor Bone Particles and see how i get on. :S
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Postby VINTAR on 06 Oct 2008 09:18

Just posted at GSC, fog is really hard to tweak in Weather.ltx. Hope you can use the Utilities to your advantage. Dont need anymore hiccups :rr:
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Postby jamie1992 on 06 Oct 2008 12:38

Yep wanna keep it all smooth sailing so to speak.
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Postby jamie1992 on 10 Oct 2008 14:17

Hey all,

Ok here is basicaly the story of the mod.

I did my best to keep things from being spoiled so not all is revealed, this is the storyline Siro made for the mod and i just went over it and made sure it didnt reveal to much.


Infested City

The Brain Scorcher's potential for mind control was discovered shortly after its activation in the Red Forest. The Ukrainian government in partnership with the Russian military launched a project shortly after. It was discovered that the effects of the wavelengths emitted by the Brain Scorcher on the human brain could be replicated by an enzyme that resulted from a mutated form of bacteria borne within the Zone called Galantine. The effects of the enzyme brought the human brain to the required state, allowing it to be re-programmed. Naturally, the military application of such a project was immediately realized. It had the potential to create the perfect soldier — obedient, unable to feel pain, remorse, desire, and fear. Research began on-site in the Northern urban areas of the Zone covertly, the areas closest to the Brain scorcher's area of influence.

The operation was conducted by small research teams so as to avoid detection from satellite imaging and potentially hostile groups residing within the Zone. Due to the origin of the enzyme, the Brain Scorcher's effects, and other factors being exclusive to the Zone, the research had to be conducted on-site. The group was able to perfectly replicate the effects of personality erasure by the Brain Scorcher wavelengths with the developement of the enzyme Arsen Ca-04. All preceding experiments resulted in deaths of the hosts. This 4th generation was able to keep the hosts' survival instinct and general self-preservation impulses. The re-programming of the brain was the most difficult part of the experiment. The enzyme's potential for the modification of the body's immune and muscular system was also discovered and applied to Arsen Ca-05.

This next generation was able to keep the hosts alive in the harshest of conditions and raised their endurance, which allowed them to survive poetentially fatal injuries for uninfected humans and hastened muscular development, resulting in above-average strength. Unfortunately, it was far from perfect. The hosts' metabolisms rose exponentially, making them hunger far more often, coupled with increased aggression and outbusts of violence. This was due to the fact that the brain was not programmed, yet still retained only the most basic of instincts and motor skills. The hosts exhibited aggression toward their handlers and the lack of any other impulses programmed by the enzyme made them into mindless, aggressive creatures who were only concerned with seeking their next meals. While the enzyme erased the minds of the hosts, they still retained some memories and abilities from their former lives, such as using firearms to a certain degree.

Trials to discover ways of programming the enzyme with commands that would allow commanders to relay orders through a device that emitted the needed signals at the right frequency continued until the group was compromised by the Monolith faction. The enzyme got out of control in the ensuing firefight, infecting military personnel, who in turn, spread it. The rest of the group were exposed and slaughtered each other. Former members turned on each other. The Monolith retreated Pripyat leaving it isolated between the Monolith-controlled Red Forest and NPP.

In the later testing stages leading up to the outbreak, it was discovered that individuals with a rare blood-type were immune to the enzyme's damaging and personality-erasure effects on the brain., but were still able to spread the infection. The precense of the dormant enzyme in the human body allowed it to mutate into an airborne form, expelled by the lungs. Individuals immune to the enzyme, which was eventually neutralized by their blood, exhibited memory loss, a result of the enzyme's failed effects on the brain, which it always attacked first.

The indigenous wildlife was also exposed to the infection with only humanoid organisms being susceptible to it. Before the outbreak, the team accidentally infected a bloodsucker through careless supervision during a host field-test. The result was an unimaginable monster rurmoured to be prowling the outskirts of Pripyat to this day. Pripyat became a dead zone with infected individuals and hosts roaming the streets, the enzyme keeping them alive and hungry. It was suspected that due to memory and attempted aggression-programming of the enzyme, the infected targeted and fed solely on humans, ignoring each other and the wildlife.

You are a member of the compromised Pripyat team. Your only goal is to remember the reasons behind your precense in Pripyat, uncover a means of escape in the process, and most importantly, survive. The military, unknowing of your ordeal, make airdrops of supplies regularly for you and your dead team to survive on until you secure a radio capable of broadcasting and call for extraction. As far as Base knows, the tests are running smoothly on your end.


What do you think?

BTW check the ModDB page.

Infested City ModDB Page:
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Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 10 Oct 2008 14:54

Not bad at all :thumbleft:
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Postby Nightwatch on 10 Oct 2008 17:20

Fits STALKER theme, and credible game story at this juncture. :thumbright:

(PS: Siro should know it better. Since the end of USSR, Ukrainian goverment is very much at odds with Russia, so making a collaboration is somewhat highly unlikely. Since their so-called "Orange-Revolution" Ukraine leaned significantly towards the West and opposite direction of Russia -Russia is not acting quite friendly to them either, cutting the gas when money is not paid in time, etc.- Currently, this week, their Western leaning President accused his Prime minister with leaning towards Russia, dissolved the parliament and called for elections.)

from Associated Press: <quote:Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko set a Dec. 7 date for new parliamentary elections Thursday after dissolving the legislature following failed efforts to replace his shattered pro-Western coalition.

The decision was likely to deepen political turbulence in the former Soviet republic, with estranged ally Yulia Tymoshenko's camp and some members of Yushchenko's own party vowing to challenge the move.

That part of the story may need a small touch, would not hurt the story at all. Overall, exciting story. :thumbright:
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Postby EggChen on 10 Oct 2008 21:20

Jamie, be sure to let me know if you want that fog tweaked, it was only a first attempt, and I would need your input to create what you wanted.
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Postby busetibi on 11 Oct 2008 14:09

fk man, I so want to test this mod when it's ready for testing :thumbright:
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Postby busetibi on 11 Oct 2008 15:26

I'm sorry to read about the problems you're currently having mate,take your time and release it when you're ready, DO NOT release it if you're not happy with it. [-X
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Postby MeanderingBeing on 27 Oct 2008 23:44

Hey Jamie, good to see you're back! How ya doin, man?
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Postby jamie1992 on 29 Oct 2008 15:23

Meh, so so tbh.

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Re: The Infested City Mod

Postby Verton23 on 29 Nov 2008 04:34

How's it going? Any clips, pictures? Any chance of a beta relase before Christmas, though I don't mean to rushing. Just it'd be great to play on holiday time. :) I can be tester.
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Re: The Infested City Mod

Postby jamie1992 on 29 Nov 2008 19:23

Theres more chance of a nun having sex than there being a stable beta before christmas to be blunt, all news is on GSC.
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Re: The Infested City Mod

Postby Balious on 29 Nov 2008 20:30

Why not bring the news over here for some people that don't no longer go on GSC. I.E me who only goes on there if im looking for something thats not over here yet (ZRP)
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Re: The Infested City Mod

Postby jamie1992 on 29 Nov 2008 22:59

Just a mix of things, i use GSC nearly all the time, always have and still seem to, plus most people who keep an eye on things are on GSC so i use that, plus i forget that i got a topic on this forum.
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Re: The Infested City Mod

Postby Verton23 on 30 Nov 2008 06:21

It's understandable, you're in it with Siro over there (Siro is the moderator there, for those who dont know) and as you're trying to do the mod together with him, it'd feel offensive to him and to GSC if you take any posts away from there. You shouldn't do that. It wouldn't be polite, anyway. :)

Also it looks like they really need some any good humorous posts there, to balance the appalling cries and complaints for the Clear Sky game on another section,
(because I can't play it either, but no, couldn't find any help, people are dying there too) as I just looked at Clear Sky bug reports, man, people are dying while trying to get some value from Clear Sky by trying to play Clear Sky B-(

I know it for fact, by experince, because I threw out Clear Sky , yes literally, out of the damn window. Got it for a fiver from ebay anyway. :-J

PS: (if you also think that no one, or not enough people, interested in you and Siro's modding project, as it may look like that, then you should work for it and promote it. There are very important dicsussions here on modding techniques and other pages between (mostly) EggChen, ket, meandering being, Victim, Natvac, Russo, Knayhalos, which none of it I dont even understand and I also know a few things in modding. Please we all do, maybe not try our hands in modding publicly, but for example I do know a few stuff too. :mozilla_wink: So discussion here are very heavy and when you ask, you get a very good answer. well, understanding that answer is another thing of course, not easy.

But on the other hnad, I don't go to GSC either, except rarely, because it is now unfortunately full of newbies who ask the same questions that were answered in the just above post. next day another one asks the same silly question. Read people first some posts, then asks. Or maybe they already know a lot but just want to mock people around there. I don't know, but it looks like a childish place now, too sad, but it feels like it. So I don't go there, except token looks, like many others who have deserted. So if your mod will not be abondoned at some stage and if you're really serious about it, if you ask me, you should give all you've got to it and try to use all the available sources.
Man. I hope you didn't get upset with my suggestions, all in good faith, but you know, people sometimes don't like when you tell the truth. I'm a bit too forward today maybe, maybe becuaseI wsa just mugged in this F**cking city, which is London btw. :-Q
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